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What are the operating points of a horizontal machining center?

Release time:2023-09-06 14:20:15  Number of views:131

A horizontal machining center refers to a machining center where the workbench and spindle are set in a parallel state. Next, the editor will introduce the key points to pay attention to when using it.

1. Installation environment

It should be installed away from the earthquake source, away from direct sunlight, without thermal radiation, and in a damp place. If there is a seismic source near the installation site, seismic trenches should be set up around it. If the anti vibration groove is not set, it will directly affect the machining accuracy and stability. Over time, it will affect the poor contact of electronic components, cause failures, and affect the reliability of the machining center.

2. Strict control of voltage and current

Generally, it is installed in the processing workshop, and the large number of mechanical equipment in the processing workshop inevitably leads to significant fluctuations in the power grid. So the installation position needs to strictly control the voltage and current of the power supply, and it is necessary to control the voltage and current of the power supply within the allowable range of the machining center. It is necessary to maintain the stability of the voltage and current of the power supply, otherwise it will directly affect normal operation.

3. Temperature and humidity effects

Horizontal machining centers generally need to operate in an environment below 30 degrees Celsius in order to function properly. In general, there are exhaust fans and cold air fans installed in the distribution box to ensure that electronic components and central processing work at a constant temperature. If the temperature and humidity are too high, it will lead to a decrease in the lifespan of the control system components, resulting in an inexplicable increase in malfunctions. If the humidity increases, dust will accumulate on the integrated circuit board, directly leading to poor contact and short circuit faults.

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