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What is the thread processing method for horizontal machining centers?

Release time:2023-09-06 14:18:03  Number of views:108

The machining quality and efficiency of threads directly affect the machining accuracy of horizontal machining centers. Thread machining is one of the uses that reflects the quality of machining centers. The following is an introduction to several methods that can make horizontal machining centers have higher precision and more stable performance in thread processing.

Previously, flexible tapping methods were used for the processing of taps, which had a complex structure. In recent years, the performance of machining centers has gradually improved, and the processing of taps has changed from flexible to rigid. When processing a type of workpiece, it is necessary to first determine the threaded bottom hole, which has a significant impact on the machining quality of the workpiece. When selecting workpieces, be sure to select different taps in advance according to different workpieces. Different cutting tools have different requirements for different workpieces, and their performance also varies. Secondly, attention should be paid to the difference between through-hole taps and blind hole taps.

When processing workpieces, the spindle will definitely be delayed when starting, which can ensure that the shaft reaches the predetermined speed. When retracting the tool, the hand ground tool adopts spindle orientation to allow the tool to move radially, because the hand ground tool is not usually very symmetrical, so extra care should be taken. The manufacturing of the tool holder should be accurate, otherwise it will cause disorderly fastening.

There are many methods for horizontal machining centers during thread processing, such as tap machining, milling machining, etc. Choosing the right processing tools and using the right methods can improve the processing efficiency of the machining center.

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