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What are the tool alignment methods for gantry machining centers?

Release time:2023-09-06 14:06:21  Number of views:120

The gantry machining center can be divided into two methods: direct tool alignment and selecting tool alignment tools for tool alignment:

1. Direct tool contact method: that is, directly control the tool to touch the workpiece through the handwheel. Of course, when the workpiece is quickly touched, the feed rate should be reduced, and a wire level feed should be selected. Through visual inspection or paper or plug gauges, the touch direction between the tool and the workpiece can be recognized, and the touch direction can be recorded to achieve tool alignment.

(1) First, focus on the X-direction

Use a cutting tool to quietly touch the right side of the material, lift the tool along the Z direction, reset the relative coordinates of the machine tool, move the tool to the left side of the material, quietly touch the tool and material, lift the tool. This is to record the X value of the relative coordinates of the machine tool, move the tool to half of the corresponding coordinate X, and record the X value of the positive coordinate of the machine tool Press and hold the input coordinate system (some systems can also be measured), and the system can also be measured.

(2) To Y direction

Use a tool to touch the front of the material, quietly touch the tool with the material, lift the tool along the Z direction, reset the relative coordinates of the machine tool, move the tool to the back of the material, quietly touch the tool with the material, lift the tool. This is to record the Y value of the relative coordinates of the machine tool, move the tool to half of the relative coordinate Y, and record the Y value of the positive coordinate of the machine tool You can also press "Measure" in the coordinate system input by pressing "Input".

(3) The method of Z-direction knife alignment

Z tool alignment for CNC milling machines: Move the tool onto the surface of the workpiece that needs to be aligned with the zero point in the Z direction, quietly touch the tool with that surface, record the Z value in the coordinate system of the machine tool at this moment, and input it into the corresponding coordinate system (such as G54). 2. Choose tool alignment method: Nowadays, there are many tool alignment tools, and both active tool alignment instruments and manual tool alignment products can be used. Regardless of which one is because the tool alignment tool is fixed in height, the tool alignment tool can move downward on its own, Related to direct tool alignment, it is not a direct collision, that is, when the tool presses the tool aligner to a fixed position, the height of the tool aligner is fixed, and then the length or diameter of the tool is recognized. The primitive manual knife alignment method is also more concise and accurate.

2. Selection of tool alignment method: Nowadays, there are many tools for tool alignment, and both active tool alignment devices and manual tool alignment products can be used. Regardless of which one is due to the fixed height of the tool alignment device, the tool alignment device can move downward on its own, which is related to the direct tool alignment method. It is not a direct collision, that is, when the tool presses the tool alignment device to a fixed position, the height of the tool alignment device is fixed, and then the length or diameter of the tool is recognized. The primitive manual knife alignment method is also more concise and accurate.

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