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What is the operating principle of a horizontal machining center?

Release time:2023-09-06 14:04:54  Number of views:185

After the workpiece is clamped once on the horizontal machining center, the digital control system can control the machine tool to actively select and replace cutting tools according to different machining processes, actively change the spindle speed, feed rate, and tool relative motion trajectory of the machine tool, and other auxiliary functions, and sequentially complete the machining of multiple surfaces and processes on the workpiece. And it has multiple functions of changing or selecting knives, greatly improving production efficiency.

Due to the concentration of processes and active tool changing, the machining center reduces the time required for workpiece clamping, measurement, and machine tool adjustment, resulting in the cutting time of the machine tool reaching about 80% of the starting time of the machine tool (only 15-20% for ordinary machine tools); At the same time, it also reduces the turnover, transfer, and storage time of workpieces between processes, shortens the production cycle, and has obvious economic effects. The machining center is suitable for small and medium-sized batch production with complex part shapes, high precision requirements, and frequent product replacement.

Compared with vertical machining centers, horizontal machining centers have a complex structure, occupy a large area, and are relatively expensive. Moreover, horizontal machining centers are inconvenient to observe during machining, clamp and measure parts, but have simple chip removal during machining, which is beneficial for machining.

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  • address No.1 Hexin Road, Shatou Community, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
  • address No.1 Hecang Road, Economic Development Zone, Jiahe County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province
  • address Zhenhua Road, Liandong U Valley, Shapingba District, Chongqing
  • address Hubei Kaierkang Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. in Echeng District, Ezhou City, Hubei Province


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