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What is the operation process of the gantry machining center?

Release time:2023-09-06 14:04:22  Number of views:170

Operating procedures for gantry machining centers:

(1) Preparation before startup:

1. The operator strictly follows the operation manual, checks according to the checklist before work, and adds oil and lubrication strictly according to lubrication requirements, achieving "three fixed" (timing, quantity, and quality). Before starting the equipment, the equipment should be inspected, and only after confirming that there are no abnormalities can the equipment be powered on and turned on.

(2) Operation process:

1. Start the machine tool. After the machine tool is powered on, check whether the fans in each device are running normally, whether the started motors and pumps are running normally, and whether there are any abnormal sounds.

2. After confirming that there are no abnormalities, the operator manually moves each axis at low speed to observe whether the display of the movement direction is normal, whether there is any abnormal sound in the transmission system and each motor, and then returns to the reference point and preheats before processing. If manual measurement of the workpiece is required during the machining process, the machine must be stopped and measured by pressing the feed lock button.

3. If the operator needs to perform knife compensation during the operation process, they must be careful and careful. They must not reverse the direction or input the wrong decimal point. If the operator needs to replace the head compartment as necessary during the operation process, they need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the head compartment to avoid machine tool alarms.

4. When loading and unloading workpieces, they must be handled with care, and heavy objects should not be knocked on the machine tool. Rough operation is strictly prohibited. During the operation of the machine tool, the operator is strictly prohibited from leaving the operating position; If you need to leave, you need to stop the machine. The operator is not allowed to change the machine parameters without authorization, and all filters and filters should be cleaned regularly.

5. During the work process, the operator should pay attention to whether the equipment has any abnormal movements or sounds. If there are any abnormalities, the machine should be stopped in a timely manner and maintenance personnel should be sought for handling.

(3) Notes after production completion:

There should be no large amount of iron filings on each guide rail surface, under the workbench, and near each switch. It should be kept clean, without vibration, CNC system and its circuits. It is not allowed to touch the circuits in the electrical cabinet at will to prevent electric shock and unnecessary impact on the equipment. After work is completed, iron filings and dirt should be removed, the machine tool should be kept clean, the power should be cut off, and shift handover records should be kept.

(4) Maintenance matters: If the equipment is found to be unable to function properly before use, seek professional maintenance personnel for repair. If equipment malfunctions during use, immediately seek professional maintenance personnel for repair. Non professional maintenance personnel are strictly prohibited from repairing to prevent accidents.

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