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Keshan Precision Machinery Co., Ltd

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CNC lathe
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CNC lathe (inclined bed) series
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  • Product Introduction

Machine Characteristic

The inclined bed CNC lathe is a type of CNC machine tool for cutting metal, which adopts a horizontal inclined bed layout, and the CNC system controls the movement of the X and Z coordinates. Specially designed for processing small and medium-sized parts. New structure and precise manufacturing performance. Its characteristics: high precision, high automation, and wide processing range. This machine tool has stable performance and can process relatively complex tools such as straight cylinders, oblique cylinders, circular edges, and various threads, grooves, and worm gears. Their greatest advantage is that they can be applied on a large scale to produce complex and high-precision parts in batches. The bed body adopts an inclined bed body, with tree shaped sand casting. The overall bed body is stable and can move at a high speed of 30M/minute without deformation. Fast speed, saving processing time. The two ball screws of the drag plate are installed on the symmetrical axis of the drag plate to balance the walking torque of the drag plate.

Technical Parameters


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  • Marketing Hotline139-2681-1509
  • address No.1 Hexin Road, Shatou Community, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
  • address No.1 Hecang Road, Economic Development Zone, Jiahe County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province
  • address Zhenhua Road, Liandong U Valley, Shapingba District, Chongqing
  • address Hubei Kaierkang Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. in Echeng District, Ezhou City, Hubei Province


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